Less risk.
Faster to scale.
And the perfect team at every phase.

Lack of talent is a momentum killer. After an investment happens, founders are anxious to meet new growth targets. They end up making hiring mistakes with painful consequences. Lab08’s model provides the flexibility and product-leadership that founders need during this critical growth phase.
Andreas Green Rasmussen
Ugly Duckling Ventures
Our principles
Our principles are inspired by the smart founders & CTOs who support their in-house teams, keep things simple and stay in control.
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Your team
Lab08 never duplicates nor replaces your team. We match you with the exact skills and talent you need now. Then, we adjust as your team and products evolve.

Founders need an eye on the horizon and help in the cabin.
That is the co-pilot.
Rasmus Møller-Nielsen
Managing partner at Lab08

Lab08’s Signature Roadmapping Workshop
Our signature process goes beyond “low hanging fruit.” We rally everyone behind the heart of the problems and opportunities ahead. This creates a path for fast action and focus, putting many (if not all) of the team’s “wishes” on the roadmap.
What would your team look like?

Optimizing performance and health through a circadian tech platform.
Timeshifter is passionate about turning circadian science into a real-world application that provides users the opportunity to optimize performances, health, and quality of life by controlling their biological clock.
With Timeshifter, we c∞-created a mobile app based on circadian science principles that allow users to adjust biological time by providing support and recommendation on sleep patterns, eating cycles, etc.

Our inspiration
When we started our own business in 2008, we thought we needed some good coders and a lot of coffee. We soon discovered that we lacked a clear roadmap, a user-friendly interface, and a resilient infrastructure. We filled the gaps and found talent, but it was painful.
Back then, we often talked about the co-pilot we longed for.
And that’s why — after successfully selling and exiting our business in 2017 — we became entrepreneurs again. But this time, we became the co-pilot.
Welcome to Lab08.